Yes Unlimited Change Makers

Calling all young future leaders! Age shouldn’t be a barrier to leadership, and we believe that with the right conditions young people can be a powerful voice for positive change.

The Yes Unlimited Change Makers are a diverse group of local young people aged 13-18 who are passionate about issues that affect young people and making sure that our organisation is doing the best job it can. The Change Makers meet weekly during school terms and over the year focus on:

  • Growing leadership, organisational and project planning skills
  • Attending a once-a-year Youth Leadership Retreat
  • Organising school holiday programs and activities for young people
  • Awareness raising campaigns like R U OK Day, Youth Homelessness Matters Day or IDAHOBIT
  • Giving feedback to Yes Unlimited and The Hive teams on our services
  • Connecting with other young leaders and having inspiring conversations about how we can make change

If you’d like to embrace your leadership potential get in touch and see if Change Makers is for you.


Becoming a Change Maker has been such an awesome experience. I have made heaps of friends and loved being involved in representing Yes Unlimited in heaps of community activities and I feel like I have heaps more confidence. The best bit is being able to have a talk about the things that are important to me, like bullying and making a plan with the Change Maker team, on how we might do something about that in our community. I would definitely tell all of my friends to become a Change Maker because it has made such a difference for me and has been one of the best things I have ever done”

Change makers has been a radical experience. I’ve been able to get myself involved in community activities, pop up shops and have been able to represent Changemakers, the Hive and Yes Unlimited which has been awesome and a huge honour. It is a great way to meet new people, develop friendships, gain new skills, and looks great to put on your resume.”

Change makers got me out of the house, connecting with people and being more active in my community. It’s been a great way for me to build my confidence!”